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Here are some projects which I made using different skillsets I learnt or go through.

AI Enabled Fintech B2B Invoice Management Application

Java, Web Development & ML

A web application to help the people working in the Accounts Receivable departments in their day-to-day activities where the users in the
Account Receivable department can:
Get account-level analytics to easily visualize and interpret data- EDA and Feature Engineering.
Get a prediction of when the invoice is going to get paid.

Payment date prediction

Machine Learning

Machine Learning Model to predict the payment date of an invoice when it gets created in the system. Categorize the invoice into different
buckets based on predicted payment date.

Student Management System

Java & DBMS

Technology Used: Java(Programming), SQL
Role: Team Lead and Development
Description: A Student Management System for ITER(our college) is a system that manages the records of the student regarding admission and examination part.

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